Drexel University
Drexel is a comprehensive global research university, located in Philadelphia, PA, with a unique model of experiential learning that combines academic rigor with cooperative education programs.
Annual Research Magazine, Exel
To inform the Drexel community and their peers about the vast research endeavors at the university in a way that is accessible and compelling to the average reader.

As a premier research institution in the world of higher education, Drexel wanted to create a new annual publication that would effectively convey their research endeavors to their community and peers.
As complex as the topics were, every design decision we made was in an effort to convey the complicated subject matter in a way that would be accessible and interesting to the every day reader. The magazine is organized by research topic, giving the reader the ability to focus in on the subjects that interest them most. Features are woven in between the departments, creating a digestible pace for the reader from cover to cover. With careful consideration on the most effective way to tell each story, the magazine includes a variety of image-driven features, longer thought pieces and infographics (lots of them).
Leveraging the unique X in Drexel’s name, the cover features a large graphic X, overlaid onto a striking image that relates to one of the feature stories inside. Over the years, this cover treatment has made for an iconic, collectible set of editions.
Take a look at the magazine’s companion website and download the archived issues.
Designed while at Pentagram with DJ Stout.
Concept Development
Art Direction
Editorial Design
Print Production + Management
Web Concepts