Buffalo Bayou Partnership
A non-profit organization revitalizing and transforming Buffalo Bayou, Houston's most significant natural resource, including a 160-acre park within the Bayou, named Buffalo Bayou Park.
Book Design + Production
From Rendering to Reality: The Story of Buffalo Bayou Park is a commemorative book that tells the history and story of the 160-acre park, highlighting the enriched native landscape, wildlife habitat and vast public offerings.

When we first received the working draft of the text, we were immediately inspired by traditional field guides, and worked with the editorial team to reorganize the text based on the idea of this format.
Opening with the story of how the park came to be, the pages that follow are divided up into sections based on the various ecological zones and features of the park. The book also features a bound-in booklet in the middle that serves as a guide to the park’s flora and fauna. The layout features hand-drawn maps and iconography, antique botanical illustrations and large typographic treatments.
By breaking up the content into distinct sections, and restructuring the text to relay information more intuitively, the book became more engaging and informative, providing a more customized reader experience.
Designed while at Pentagram.
Book photos by Nick Cabrera.
Concept Development
Book Design
Photography Curation
Print Management